Trusted World eliminates our partner's need for a clothes closet - giving the storage space back to the staff. Many nonprofits receive their in-kind donations from the local community, but storing, sorting and sizing this clothing can be overwhelming.
Trusted World collects resources- clothing, food, and toiletries from all over North Texas. Each item is inspected, sorted by size, gender, and style, then placed in an online ordering system accessible to local nonprofits and agencies. Once an order is placed, the requested items are packaged and made available to the nonprofit or agency within 48 hours. This ensures the individual or family receives access to essential resources without the need for transportation or extra time to visit a clothing closet or food pantry.
The space the nonprofit or agency used for their clothes closet might now provide space to see more clients or offer more services. Using Trusted World's services, a nonprofit agency can increase it's value to the community without increasing it's budget.
“It would be too easy to point out the obvious; clothing, toiletries and food for our guys giving us more time to focus on our mission of helping them rebuild their lives.The real value Trusted World brings is dignity. It is hard to think of yourself as a somebody when all you have is the old, dirty, torn clothes that you are wearing and nothing else. Any clothing bank can supply old cast-off clothing that nobody wants. Trusted World brings clothing that not only appear to be new, but color coordinated and relevant, along with hygiene products to get cleaned up and smelling good. Men go from being ashamed of what they look like to excited to go to a job interview. Dignity in a plastic bag, apparently it can be packaged.” – Josiah Luttrell, Simon’s House Recovery