

Lazy Dog and Trusted World
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Changing our community together
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Cents of every dollar is used for programs
Network Partners

Mission Statement:

Trusted World provides the best resources, at no cost, to organizations and individuals working on someone else’s behalf

The Three Major Branches of the Trusted World Network


Trusted World helps schools meet the needs of their students. Not just the child but the whole family.


Trusted World's ordering system is now on an officer's cell phone or car computer for faster service.


Trusted World removes the need for a clothing closet or food pantry. Allowing them to focus more on their core services
Helping Help People

During shelter in place orders here in Plano, I wondered about getting clothing to families who needed it. I was so pleased to receive an email from Trusted World saying they were still open! However, I wondered how I would get the clothes to the family, since we were not in school anymore. After emailing back and forth, I called Courtney Weaver and she told me that you would be glad to deliver the clothing and food to the homes of our families!!! Thank you so, so much!! What literal life savers you have been! God Bless You All and Keep you safe and healthy

Patsy Prochnow

Parent Liaison, Sigler Elementary School Plano ISD

Trusted World providing essential items such as clothing of all sizes and nonperishable food by delivery is a great benefit to the McKinney community. Clients are very appreciative of the items they receive from Trust World. Many clients are astonished at how quickly the requested items are delivered.

The quality of service Trusted World provides is inimitable.

Janae Lee

Crime Victim Advocate

"Trusted World has helped us add another level of care for The Ebby House. By removing our own clothes closet from our offices and using Trusted World for our clothing and food needs for our residents, we have been able to open usable space for our coaches and mentors, as well as creating a quiet space for our residents. Your services are now a vital part of our community work. Thank you all for helping us use our space more effectively and serving our clients.”

Lisa Mumford

Ebby House Program Director

"Trusted World has been a godsend to our clients who have lost their possessions in a home fire. The clothing you have provided has enabled children to return to school and parents to return to work. We also appreciate the care and speed with which you respond to requests. Getting clothing quickly to a family that has only the clothes on their back and finding the right outfit for a teen to wear is critical. You have helped to restore their dignity and ability to move ahead; both are critical parts of recovery. On behalf of the Dallas Chapter of the American Red Cross, thank you" Trusted World!

Jeanne Reinelt

Red Cross Client Casework Supervisor, Disaster Action Team Captain

We Are Always Taking Donations

You can drop off donations at any of our drop-off locations

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

See how we help your bank qualify

Using Our Logo

Want to know who we serve?  Click here  to see a full list

Our Network

Trusted World is currently working with over 830 partners. This includes schools, police, nonprofits, and more.  Want to see who is in our network?

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Does Our

Many organizations ask us if they qualify to use our services.  

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Our Board

Our board is the backbone of our growth. See who is on the board and what companies are represented. 

We are very proud of our board members.

See Full List

Trusted Sponsors

Helping Us Helping People Help People