

Preventive Poverty™

Trusted World is dedicated to addressing Preventive Poverty.

Our organization focuses on the root causes of the challenges individuals and families face throughout their lives. Through our network of partners, we are building a community to tackle these issues head-on.

Our approach is inspired by the health industry. Many years ago, insurance companies primarily covered costly operations and procedures. However, they eventually shifted their focus to preventive health, encouraging clients to seek screenings and preventive care.

In the realm of poverty, we are still operating counterintuitively. Society often waits until someone is homeless before providing significant assistance. We need to adopt a similar preventive approach to ensure that individuals do not fall into poverty in the first place.

Trusted World collaborates with partners who recognize the early signs of poverty and work to implement preventive solutions.

For instance, schools often notice the initial signs, such as children arriving hungry or wearing ill-fitting hand-me-downs. Law enforcement may observe the next signs, as desperate parents start resorting to stealing food and clothing necessary for their families.

Trusted World is committed to providing the best resources to help our partners prevent poverty.