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Drive Hosts FAQs

What is Trusted World’s mission?

Trusted World is committed to providing the best resources, at no cost, to people or organizations who are providing services on someone else’s behalf.

What products do you accept? We accept any clothing, unopened nonperishable food, new underwear, socks and hygiene items. Our most popular hygiene items include soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrushes, pads and tampons, and conditioner…but we’ll gladly accept any hygiene products you collect!

Are travel or sample size products, OK? YES. Most of the products we distribute are travel size. However, we are glad to accept full-size items, which are perfect for families.

What if some of the products in my collection look questionable? If a product is used, expired, or has significant spillage, please remove it and recycle it accordingly. For all other products, even ones you are unsure about, we will gladly take a look! We have volunteers at our warehouse who inspect every product before it goes out, and Trusted World takes ultimate responsibility for ensuring that any items we distribute are safe and dignified.

Where are Trusted World’s products distributed? Items are distributed throughout North Texas, including schools, youth organizations, and more! See the full list here: https://trustedworld.org/who-we-serve/.

What is the best way to market my drive? An email to friends/colleagues/parents/students/neighbors often helps get the best results, directing them to which items to donate as well as where/when collection bins are available. The more reminders, the better!

Where should I put my collection bin? It is best to locate the collection bin in a common area such as a classroom, office, lunchroom, etc., with a sign on the bin saying what is being collected. What if my drive participants have questions about Trusted World that I cannot answer? Please direct folks to contact us at www.trustedworld.org, info@trustedworld.org