

What does it mean to be a member of the Trusted World Network?

Trusted World Mission Statement:
Trusted World provides the best resources, at no cost, to organizations or individuals working on someone else's behalf.

What are the best resources Trusted World offers?

Size-specific clothing

You can order clothing for each member of the family. Not just your client. Trusted World is focused on Situational Poverty. This usually affects the entire family not just your client/student. 

If you are working with a family of four (4) then you would place four (4) clothing orders.

Orders delivered directly to you

Once you become a partner we will set up a weekly delivery schedule. This helps us stay efficient and allows us to schedule routes. However, if the need arises, your order can be available for pickup within 48 hours.

Track your orders

The Trusted World Partners Portal allows you to track your order. You can see what part of the process your order is at. You can also look at past orders.

If you are part of an organization that has multiple case workers or counselors, you can see if your client has already been helped by another staff member.

You are not alone

As a member of the Trusted World Network, Trusted World will list your organization in our Network Directory.  This means you now have access to hundreds of other services that are also in our network. The benefits of this are unlimited.

Detail Reporting

If you place an order with us, at the end of the month we will provide you with a report.  This report will total up all your orders and give you information about your orders such as :

-Total number of orders -The total number of people helped -Number of items provided -Number of meals provided -Donation value -Every detail for every order


Police can use our desktop application or they can use our police application. Built and designed for police while they are on a call.

Trusted World helps local police agencies SERVE the public. Our mobile application can be used on their cell phone, tablet, or car computer allowing them to order resources right on the spot.